Friday, June 14, 2019

If you are looking for the unique, strange or fascinating plant, you might already know that David Bird is your guy. Birds Botanicals better known for their beautiful orchids have recently expanded into raising unique and a little bizarre carnivorous plants. (Makes me think of Little Shop of Horrors, Feed Me Seymour) 

For many years, David has raised orchids in one of the caves along Interstate 435. A fire and issues with the ventilation forced him to relocate all of his plants to his home, friends’ homes, employee’s homes and his greenhouse in Drexel, Missouri. Below is a picture of his cave location before the fire, it was amazing to see.

I had not visited his greenhouse in Drexel for a few years and as always was in awe of all the unique and beautiful plants. Just when I think David can’t come up with something different he proves me wrong. I find myself visiting his stalls every week just to see what is new. Birds Botanicals is located in pavilion 1 in stalls 21-23 on Saturdays and pavilion 3 stalls 123-125 on Sundays.


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